About Us
The Board of Trustees provide the governance for the school and meet on the Wednesday nearest to the 20th of each month. You are welcome to join them at their meetings. The Board of Trustees have an appreciation of children's special needs, and allocate funding to support and improve all children's learning. Gifted and talented students are catered for, with extension classes in a range of learning areas.
The school has an enrolment scheme in place to prevent overcrowding. Out of zone children may enter a ballot to attend the school if there are spaces available.
Participation in sporting activities is encouraged. Rotokauri School teams compete in Netball, Soccer, Touch Rugby, Softball, Swimming and Gymnastics. School Camps in the senior classes extend children's confidence in outdoor settings. Our Maori community input to the school encourages our students to understand and respect cultural differences. Activities such as Choir, Dance Groups and Guitar Club, as well as visiting performance artists, extend children's creative experiences. The P.T.A. fundraise and facilitate social activities in the school community. They are a very social group who meet monthly and would welcome more parents to join their friendly team. The school is a focus for the surrounding community. Biathlon and Triathlons, Cross Countries, Agricultural Days and School Concerts are well supported.
Rotokauri School encourages leadership skills. The senior students gain confidence through their involvement in the organisation of many school activities. The buddy system partners senior students with New Entrant children to provide a caring support network. Students leave our school with confidence in their own abilities and are ready to face new challenges at secondary school.
Our administration building, multi purpose room and hard courts were opened in 2004. The students enjoy our new junior and senior playgrounds.
These additions now do justice to our school's positive learning environment.
We believe that a child's education is a partnership between the child, the teacher and the parents. We welcome parent involvement in school activities.
Tena koutou katoa, He mihi nui tenei ki a koutou katoa Nau mai haere mai ki te kura o Rotokauri.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Our school is a full primary school on the outskirts of Hamilton with a warm country atmosphere. The school's name comes from Rotokauri Lake - the main feature of our district.
Our positive environment will actively engage us all in learning.
Together We Grow (Unity - Kotahitanga, Inclusive - Manaakitanga, Guardianship - Kaitiakitanga)
Together We Learn (Innovative - Auahatanga, Happy - Uruhau, Responsible - Tuutika)
Active Learning